A collection of copyright-free vintage Zoological illustrations to download. All the zoological prints and posters are in the Public Domain. This means that you are free to download and use them as you wish.
Many of the animal illustrations and prints in this collection are from old illustrated dictionaires, encylopedias and natural history books.
There are individual drawings and prints of large mammals such as giraffes right down to the tiniest of insects. All of them beautiful and fascinating in their own right.
Copyright Free Zoological Illustrations & Paintings
Many of the vintage zoological illustrations would look fabulous printed and framed for the home or even the classroom.
Visit the post to download the high-resolution zoological image of your choice. Click on the title above the zoological picture you want a higher resolution image will open up as a new tab in your browser.
If you then right click with the mouse on the picture. You will then have the option to save it to your device.