This is the collection of amazing vintage free printable art and design prints on Picture Box Blue.
All the printable art and designs are in the Public Domain. This means that you are free to print and use the images how you wish. The collection will grow as more and more wonderful free art is added to the site.
The collection on the site is eclectic, ranging from wonderful Japanese art prints to the wallpaper samples of William Morris. The art collection is from different countries and cultures across the centuries.
The artwork would look fantastic printed and framed for home interiors. They look good when printed on watercolor paper with an inkjet printer. Many of the images would also be great to use for crafts and upcycles, such as book journaling and decoupage.
Students of art and design will also enjoy some of the art and design collection. Many of the images are from classic seminal texts on pattern and designs such as those of Owen Jones and both his Grammar of Ornament and traditional Chinese patterns to the Polychromatic Ornaments of Albert Racinet.
Other images are art prints of patterns and designs reflected in nature, such as the prints of Ernst Haeckel and art nouveau florals of Maurice Pillard Verneuil.

The Free Printable Art
To print any of the art just visit the collection of interest. Once there, click on the title above the art or design work you want, and a higher resolution image will open in a new window in your browser. If you right-click on that image, you will have the option to save it to your hard drive.
This collect of vintage patterns, art and design will grow overtime. Please remember to pin this page and return frequently to see the latest updates.
If you can’t find what you are looking for then drop me an email ( and I will see what I can do. If the requested images are in the Public Domain and I can find high quality prints, I will add them to the site.